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How to set the best ticket price to boost your sales

by Tixtree on Mon, 07 Aug 2023 in Event planning

Finding the ideal ticket price for your event can be a daunting task. Set it too high, and you risk turning away potential attendees; set it too low, and you may encounter profit loss and a perception of subpar value.

Traditionally, event organisers have applied the cost-based pricing strategy to calculate the break-even point and understand how much tickets should cost (Total Event Cost / expected number of attendees = 1 Admissions Ticket). Others used the competitive pricing strategy that examines similar events to get a price range and then decide how to price tickets based on competitors' prices.

While these strategies have their merits, they fail to consider the perceived value that customers place on your event. This is where value-based pricing comes into play.

In this guide, we will explore the value-based pricing method and reveal effective strategies to set the perfect price for your event.

The essence of value-based pricing: understanding customer expectations and perceived value

Value-based pricing is the ultimate strategy for aligning your ticket price with customer expectations and their perception of your event's value. It transcends mere costs and features, delving into the complex psychology of customers. People are willing to pay more for experiences or benefits that hold significant value to them. For instance, a devoted fan might gladly pay a premium to see their favourite artist perform. At the same time, someone averse to long queues may happily invest in an "early access" ticket for a seamless event experience.

Discovering the Willingness to Pay (WTP) of your target audience is crucial for maximising the return on your event and ensuring customer satisfaction. Customer decisions are not solely driven by costs or features but rather by the value they perceive in your event. By understanding your customers' WTP, you can tailor your pricing strategy to match their expectations and create an irresistible proposition.

3 essential steps to determine your value-based price
  1. Research your competitors: Research your competitors' pricing and offerings. Analyze similar events in your industry and consider factors such as event location, timing, and the demographics of potential customers. This is important because the WTP can be different also among similar events (e.g. a vegan festival in London can have a different perceived value from the same event organised in another city or country where there is not much sensibility to this fast-growing lifestyle choice. In the second case, the local customer base won't have the same willingness to pay as the Londoners).
  2. Survey your customers: Directly engage with your target audience through surveys to gain deeper insights into their preferences and expectations. Ask questions about their desired event experiences, their perceived value of specific features, and their past experiences with similar events. This information will be invaluable in making informed pricing decisions.
  3. Set your price: Setting the optimal price for your upcoming events requires a test-and-refine approach. Based on your competitor research and customer feedback, establish an initial price that you reasonably believe your potential customers are willing to pay. Monitor sales trends and leverage tools like the Tixtree dashboard to track performance and make adjustments to optimise your pricing strategy.
Harnessing the power of Tixtree: analyzing ticket types for maximum profitability

Leverage the capabilities of Tixtree, a comprehensive event management platform, to offer different ticket types with varying prices. By analyzing which ticket types are most appealing to your audience, you can gain insights into their perceived value. Use this data to fine-tune your pricing strategy and identify the price points that yield the highest profitability for your event. Remember that the perceived value, and therefore the price, can fluctuate based on ticket sales, allowing you to make necessary adjustments along the way.

Striking the perfect balance: pricing for business and customer success

Ultimately, successful pricing is about striking a delicate balance that benefits both your business and your customers. Continuously monitor and refine your pricing strategy to ensure long-term success. By offering a fair price that aligns with customer expectations and your business's financial goals, you can create a win-win scenario that benefits both your business and your attendees.